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Where I Can Help

Rheumatoid Arthritis & Osteoarthritis

Confused by all the nutrition and supplementation information available? Struggling with side-effect from your medications? Unsure how to alleviate some symptoms?

Both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are associated with an increased risk of co-morbid conditions- particularly with the use of certain necessary medications. It can be difficult to meet your nutrient and dietary requirements when struggling with these conditions, especially as your requirements may have increased. On top of these, you may feel your quality of life has decreased.

I can work with you to develop a healthy diet to manage your risk of co-morbidities, nutritional status, weight management and strategies to realistically fit your lifestyle. I will consider your ability to prepare meals and clarify the confusion surrounding these conditions. I will discuss symptom management and strategies to improve your well-being.

Examples of how I can help are:

  • Clarifying information around diets and supplements for symptom management

  • Showing you options for convenient, healthy meals and snacks

  • Evaluating your current diet and your risk of nutritional deficiencies or disease

  • Helping with symptom management and side-effects from medications you are on

Concession rates available for seniors.

©2022 by The Nourish Co. By Hollie James    Disclaimer & Privacy Policy

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